We help you keep your best people.
Deine besten Mitarbeitenden
zu halten.

Through individualized learning experiences, we train your leaders to retain and develop your best talents.

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Kai and Sina
rating stars

“We truly enjoy working with younite. Our team's bonding grows stronger with each workshop.”

Fabio Emch
CEO & Founder of jim & jim

People coached by us
Clients that trust us
sunrisesunrisestadt zürichzuger kantonalbankthurgauer kantonalbankKPMGLuzerner Hochschule

What makes us different?

Most people quit because of their manager or a bad atmosphere in the team.
That is why we focus on the development of leaders.
We see this as the greatest lever for retaining good employees.

We meet people at eye level. Our uncomplicated manner helps us to build trust with the target group and find out where the shoe really pinches.

Together with you, we co-create your individual learning experience. Our workshops, training courses and cultural projects are uncompromisingly geared towards achieving maximum impact. We make your leaders fit to create a motivating working environment.

We design learning journeys that go beyond face-to-face workshops. With learning nuggets such as microlearnings and info videos. Your employees experience a dynamic learning journey that not only imparts knowledge, but also promotes personal growth.

See Example

What we do


Leadership Trainings

Unleash the potential of your leadership team to retain top talent. In our leadership training courses, your managers learn proven strategies to develop and retain their best employees.

Teambuilding Trainings

Increase employee retention through dynamic team building training. Our workshops help teams to build mutual trust and promote collaboration.
This is how we transform your company into a magnet for top talent.

Culture Change

Create a company culture that retains and attracts top employees. Our tailored culture projects create an engaging, inclusive environment and make your organization a preferred place to work for talent seeking long-term fulfillment.
Curaden AG

teamübergreifend stärken.

«younite hat bei uns den Teamworkshop für zwei Teams in unserem Unternehmen konzipiert und moderiert. Es war eine sehr bereichernde Erfahrung, die uns dabei geholfen hat, unsere beiden Teams näher zueinander zu bringen. Dies unter erschwerten Bedingungen. Es war ein voller Erfolg, danke!»

Lucas Guidetti
Lucas Guidetti

Brand Design Manager

Details über das Projekt

Das Brand Design & Marketing Team hatte in der Vergangenheit eine bedeutende Transformation durchgemacht, bei der es in das «Communication Team» integriert wurde. Historisch gesehen traten Herausforderungen in der Kommunikation und effektiven Zusammenarbeit innerhalb dieser Teams auf, die durch geografische und kulturelle Unterschiede verschärft wurden. Daher entstand die Notwendigkeit, dass beide Teams vertrauen aufbauen, um die Teamzusammengehörigkeit zu fördern und diese Herausforderungen anzugehen. Ein zweitägiges Treffen sollte die Teams enger zusammenbringen, sie mit gemeinsamen Prozessen vertraut machen und die Zusammenarbeit fördern.

Wie wir geholfen haben

Wir haben eine Kickoff-Sitzung zwischen den Teamleitern des Design- und Marketing-Teams durchgeführt, um eine einheitliches Führungsverständnis zu schaffen. Interaktive Workshops über zwei Tage hinweg verbesserten die Kommunikation, das Vertrauen und die individuelle Leistung. Anschliessend haben wir die Teams dabei unterstützt, gemeinsame Werte und eine Teamvision zu definieren, gefolgt von der Implementierung der RACI-Matrix zur Steigerung der internen Verantwortlichkeit.


Die Kickoff-Sitzung stellte sicher, dass die Führungskräfte auf derselben Wellenlänge waren, was den Teamgeist stärkte. Eine verbesserte Kommunikation und gegenseitiges Verständnis schufen Vertrauen und steigerten die Leistung des Teams. Zudem haben wir gemeinsame Werte und eine Team-Vision geschaffen sowie die Team-Prozesse optimiert, um eine motivierte und effiziente Zusammenarbeit zu fördern.

Kostenloses Strategiegespräch
CuradenLogo Curaden

Empower hundreds of sales agents to increase revenue.

"Training the Y/Z generation is a challenge. The younite team has done an excellent job coaching and training our store employees and store managers in an engaging and practical way. The learning videos they produce for Sunrise are great!"

Hens Grubenmann
Hens Grubenmann

Learning Specialist Sunrise

Detail about the project

After a 1.5-year training break due to CV-19, Sunrise needed to reactivate its sales force to maintain its leading position in the telecommunications sector, ensure sales standards and increase revenues.

How we helped
  • Co-creation workshop to identify the actual challenges and the biggest leverage points to increase sales.
  • Interactive learning video in three languages explaining the sales process of Sunrise in a funny and instructive way.
  • Live coachings in the Sunrise shops.
  • Innovative, diverse and interactive on site trainings.

All store agents from Sunrise were reactivated on cross- & upselling to increase sales revenue. Winner of the "Connect price" regarding customer service.

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SunriseLogo Sunrise
University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Lucerne

Shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

"I want to sincerely thank younite for the excellent work last week. Against my will, I headed to your seminar without any expectations. However, what I encountered there turned out to be one of the best experiences - something with a real impact on my mindset. Thank you!"

Michael Eberle
Michael Eberle

Digital Experience Architect |
Partner at inside labs AG

Detail about the project

At the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Lucerne, students are facing life defining decisions regarding career choice and defining their own leadership style.

How we helped

We created an integrated E-Learning experience that combined an online self-study course with individual coaching calls. Doing this for over 8 years now, we have had many students tell us that this program sparked an idea for their future career as an entrepreneur or corporate leader.


Clear vision and values that help leading a team and themselves.

Luzerner HochschuleLogo Luzerner Hochschule
Younite Consulting

Our method to achieve your goals!

Kai and Sina
Schritt 1

Strategy Session

We start with an assessment to understand your organization's unique challenges and goals. This ensures that our training or project is tailored to your specific needs.

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A Workshop
Schritt 2

Individual procedure proposal

Using what we learn from the assessment, we work together with you to create a curriculum or project that fits your organization's goals. We focus on what's most important for your leaders and teams.

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A Workshop
Schritt 3

Project/Training Execution

Our team helps develop your people. We use interactive sessions to match your team's preferences, making sure they remember and use what they learn.

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Schritt 4

Ongoing Evaluation

We keep checking progress and make changes as needed to keep things relevant and effective for your team

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sunrisesunrisestadt zürichzuger kantonalbankthurgauer kantonalbankKPMGLuzerner Hochschule
sunrisesunrisestadt zürichzuger kantonalbankthurgauer kantonalbankKPMGLuzerner Hochschule